How to add private notes

Whether you're working alone or in a team, it can be useful to add private notes to a podcast. You can use notes to keep track of shows that you have already pitched, or to add bits of proprietary information that you have learned directly from the publisher.

Notes are private and they will only appear for you and for other members of your team.

Add a note

While viewing any podcast tap on Add a Note:

Start writing your note and tap on Save. Your new note will appear instantly on the podcast's page so you won't miss it next time. Your team members will see it too.

Pin a note to the top

Need to make sure your colleagues always see a certain important note when they access a podcast? When viewing a podcast, you can pin any note to the top of the list by tapping on the Pin button:

To remove the pin you can tap on Unpin or simply pin another note (only one note can be pinned to a podcast at a time.)

See your team's latest notes

When you or one of your team members adds a note to a podcast it will appear under Recent Notes on your Home screen. This is a useful way to keep track of what everyone on your team is working on.

Last updated